Puppy Pictures: the sixth week!

July 9 - July 15 (most recent pictures first). We had lots of vistors this week and also got new collars (Lupine collars from Midwest Shiba Inu Rescue, of course!)

Mal's new collar is "sea ponies".

Kaylee's new collar is "wing it".

Inara's new collar is "cherry blossom".

River's new collar is "love struck".

Zoe's new collar is "peace pup".

Mal and Inara discussing a top secret puppy plan.

Pups at play and chilling on the patio.

Pups at play earlier in the week. Mal (left), Kaylee (center) and River (right).

Inara (left). Zoe (right).

The babies had salmon for supper for the first time. They all were extremely enthusiastic. River acted like she'd died and gone to heaven (she was a stinky pup the next day!).